Sunday 31 December 2017

End of year results

So I ended up 2017 as follows:

Selsey Peninsula year list: 187

Sussex year list: 224 (or 226 if you want to split the Bean Geese, as I saw both Tundra & Taiga, & add Pale-bellied Brent Goose).

England year list: 237 ( didn't go outside England!)

To finish off the 59 butterflies I need Scotch Argus & Chequered Skipper, so hopefully will get those in 2018...a twitchable Large Tortoiseshell would be nice in 2018 as I dipped the ones at South Stoke, 'nuff said there...

Didn't add any new UK saltwater fish species so I remain on 60 for those which is still pretty good I think!