Friday 12 August 2016

Brown Hairstreak

A quick look at the breech pool at pagham this morning found the Little Stint & Ruff still present and a couple of Common Terns dropped in but couldn't find much else of interest, possibly not helped by breaking the scope on the way down to the wall. Scope now fixed again though, JB Weld works every time! Sponsorship welcome šŸ˜‰

And so it was back to Steyning for Brown Hairstreak next. After about two hours I eventually found one in the smaller Ash to the right of the style and after another hour or so it came lower enough for a poor record shot; did give decent bins views though. Another was seen well and low down at the top of the slope but alas not by me and a quick check later on only produced a Wall or two and a Common Blue of note. Apparently over grazing of some of the Blackthorn here by the Dexter cattle has ensured this will be a poor year for Brown Hairstreaks but we shall see what we shall see in the next week or two, it may pick up.

Brown Hairstreak: