Wednesday 13 January 2016

Scaupgate-How I Learned to Love the Bomb....

What may or may not be a "Scaup" is in the news again. So re:ARK's picture on SOS: I'm not 100% convinced this is the bird in question; it appears to be the bird that was on Nunnery the other day which is a Tufted Duck, especially as I've never seen the "Scaup" consorting with Tufted Ducks like this one is; indeed, the Tufted Ducks were driving the "Scaup" off the other day. (The bit about the duck having black on the bill is rubbish as you can quickly see if you do a photo enhancement incidentally.) The "Scaup" may well be a hybrid as I believe I said originally but not IMHO as has been proclaimed a  pure Tufted Duck. Pretty poor as I shall point out in due time.

 Tufted Duck: